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Elliot Ulm poster design


Elliot Ulm is a freelance graphic designer and YouTuber from Australia, with clients like Adobe. He is known for his comedic personality, humorous videos and bold designs.


Elliot has quickly amassed a following on YouTube and Instagram for his honest, comedic, and relatable take on the experiences of being a designer.

In high school, he took Photoshop lessons and YouTube tutorials, picking up design skills on his own, and not long after, he landed his first client-based projects. These formative experiences instilled in him a love for the craft.

Deciding against enrolling in design school, Elliot opted instead to go completely freelance. In 2019, he created his now extremely popular Instagram page: @elliotisacoolguy. (He really is a cool guy!)

My career would be anywhere as big as it is now without the honesty behind my work! I’m a big believer in being as open as possible about how you work as a creative!

His work attempts to honestly depict his creative experience by using tongue-in-cheek comedy, which has won him a loyal fanbase across social media platforms.


Bráulio Amado! He’s a super-talented graphic designer/artist whose personality never fails to shine through in his work. Always inspired by his confidence and creativity!


Be yourself! You have something unique to bring to the table as a graphic designer, so don’t shy away from making choices that feel good to you. Focus on what you find fun and follow those leads.

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