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Mark Kistler
mostra como desenhar um peixe fofo em
"Aprenda a esboçar em 21 dias"
9,279 visualizações
Lauren Barger
detalha os fundamentos da anatomia de cães e gatos em "Desenhando animais de estimação do zero" 7,830 visualizações
demonstra o uso de diferentes pincéis
em 'Aquarelas para Iniciantes"
3,450 visualizações
Elliot Ulm
compartilha como resolver problemas de forma criativa
no 'Guia para iniciantes em design gráfico'
3,004 visualizações
Isabelle Staub
ensina CINCO maneiras de misturar cores
em 'Procreate de um Jeito Fácil"
2,306 visualizações
Lera Kiryakova
mescla elementos com o plano de fundo em 'Luz e Sombra digital em 3D" 1,257 visualizações
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50+ Cursos
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1140+ Lições
Média de tempo das lições: 7 min
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O que os alunos dizem:

3 meses atrás
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O melhor que achei devido a indicação da escola, estou vindo de outros lugares, como Domestika e Udemy. Esse curso que eu precisava, parabéns 21 Draw e valorizar o idioma do Brazil em português do Brasil. Obrigado.
Revisão do curso "Aprenda a Desenhar em 21 Dias (Temporada 1)
1 mês atrás
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Amei o curso, o professor é um verdadeiro profissional da área! fora que já trabalhou com as lendas da Disney! I loved the course, the teacher is a true professional in the field! besides that he has worked with Disney legends!
Revisão do curso "Contando uma História com uma Ilustração
Yaleni B.
4 semanas atrás
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Great course for getting back into drawing after giving it up for a long time. The lessons start off really easy and simple and build up towards more complex fun imaginative pictures, but it's all explained really well and the steps are easy to follow.
Revisão do curso "Aprenda a Desenhar em 21 Dias (Temporada 1)
Letitia F.
3 semanas atrás
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I Just finished this course 2 days ago. I have been loving every moment. Mark is a wonderful teacher who brings a lot of child like joy into my drawings. Re-awakening my passion for drawing. Thank you mark for being so wonderful and positive. I am 2 lessons into the sketching course and loving every moment.
Revisão do curso "Aprenda a Desenhar em 21 Dias (Temporada 1)
Isabell G.
3 semanas atrás
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I really enjoyed this course. I was actually looking for a water color course like this for quite some time. My goal is to create portraits with watercolor and not landscapes or animals. So finally I learned some tricks and basics from someone with the same interests. I was also very interested in mixed media with the focus on water colors (so again, that course was exactly what I needed). I do have to say that I already tried out some paintings with water color myself but I was never happy with my methods because Ive never learned the basics. Now I will feel more comfortable with the next art projects. I was also reading some negative reviews on this course and I have to add: I do understand that absolute beginners or the ones, who want to only draw in an old fashioned water color way might be intimidated or confused by some methods. BUT you should at least try out some methods and don't only judge by watching the videos without trying out yourself... Just take your brush and actually put it on paper ;).
Revisão do curso "Aquarela para iniciantes
Nikhila R.
2 semanas atrás
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Mark has such a refreshing and fun way of teaching! I enjoyed every minute of the course. Each drawing left me smiling. I have never had any formal training in drawing. This was such an engaging course to learn all the basics you need to draw anything! Look forward to more of Mark's courses. Thank you for being such an amazing teacher!
Revisão do curso "Aprenda a Desenhar em 21 Dias (Temporada 1)
Hailey R.
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Very informative lessons, engaging teacher and many helpful tips! This lesson has made me very excited to start drawing with Procreate and I can’t wait to used what I’ve learned to make my own art!
Revisão do curso "Desenho digital em Procreate para iniciantes
Judith V.
5 dias atrás
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I've been painting with watercolours for almost two years now and this course taught me valuable new techniques that will greatly improve my artwork. The teacher Morchu is fun, sweet and very skilled. She shows you how to achieve great results in clear and engaging examples. It's really amazing how much you can learn in just 1 hour. If you are new to watercolours, this course will get you all exited, inspired and tooled-up to start any watercolour journey :-)
Revisão do curso "Aquarela para iniciantes
Emily S.
1 semana atrás
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Absolutely loved this course! I had been messing around with Procreate on my own and always told myself "I'm just old school. I don't get digital" Erika made me understand digital. Can't wait to practice more! I actually feel like I can yield a good picture now.
Revisão do curso "Desenho digital em Procreate para iniciantes
Matt B.
1 semana atrás
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I thoroughly enjoyed the course! The examples of the creative process really helped break it down and show that its simple steps just with the confidence and fun entwined. The only recommendation I have for the course is that its really great to hear from native spanish speakers, as its not finding the dubbed english version was brilliant, but the packs of resources to go along with the course were all in spanish (which is to be expected of course) but if there was a translated pack for the dubbed options that might help. That being said though, the course was fantastic and he spoke through most of the resources anyway so I didnt feel as though I was missing out.
Revisão do curso "Desenho de personagens de forma fácil
Rebecca A.
1 semana atrás
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Very good examples and process and the instructor was very clear. I was hoping for examples containing larger amounts of vegetation and buildings but looking at his instagram I might be able to figure those out on my own.
Revisão do curso "Introdução a Paisagens
Xander B.
1 semana atrás
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I really enjoyed the way that rodgon broke down all of the steps and this course has inspired me to draw animals and get into digital art also! I can't wait for any new courses from him in the future and he is definitely my favorite instructor.
Revisão do curso "Desenhando Personagens Divertidos de Animais
Natalie N.
1 semana atrás
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I want to start by saying that I use Photoshop, not Procreate, and I am not a beginner. Having said that, I absolutely loved this course and found it helpful. The instructor is amazing, and the way she delivered the course was engaging. No matter how experienced you are, there is always something to learn.
Revisão do curso "Desenhando Animais de Estimação do Zero
André B.
1 semana atrás
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This is one of the best anatomy courses I've taken and trust me I've taken lots. This is just really concise and right on the important points. I do believe it can be hard to follow for real beginners since this concepts require a lot of practice and understanding that will only come with time. Still this encapsules a very thoruough set of concepts to get better at the subject.
Revisão do curso "Desenho de Figura
Alexandra P.
1 semana atrás
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I am impressed with how many tips and tricks I discovered in this course, I have been taking notes. In the beginning, I found it a bit annoying because I was expecting the teacher to draw on paper with pencil/pen so that it would be easy to follow but after a few lessons this aspect didn't bother me at all. Great teacher!
Revisão do curso "Como dar vida aos seus personagens
Anabelle R.
4 semanas atrás
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Extremely helpful course on visual storytelling! I love how it's introduced thinking about my illustrations from different perspectives. And Tony Bancroft's style of teaching and examples are both easy to understand and inspiring. 10/10!
Revisão do curso "Contando uma História com uma Ilustração

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