このコースでは、マリアがiPad ProのProcreateアプリを使用した実践的な例を紹介しますが、一般的なルールはどのデジタルペインティングソフトウェアやタブレットにも適用できます。
課題: 興味深いライティング設定を使って美しいアートワークを作成する
マリア・マランドリーノ(Maria Malandrino)の自己紹介と、シェーディングとライティングについての新しいチュートリアルです。
このチュートリアルでは、MariaはiPad ProのProcreateアプリを使用しますが、コースの基本原則は他のタブレットやドローイングソフトウェアにも当てはまります。
サンプル照明レイヤー付きの練習用キャラクター PSD 1枚。
Before practicing with shading and lighting it’s better to review some basic rules on how a shadow is formed. In this lesson, Maria illustrates two main types of shadows, the cast shadows, and the form shadows. She also provides some examples of how they appear and differ, depending on the source of light that generates them.
Here Maria will pick one of her own artworks as reference image to demonstrate the cast and form shadows.
She will guide you through the steps of duplicating layers, creating a clipping mask and using blending modes in Procreate. She will also show you how a little bit of planning can help you stay on track throughout the entire creative process.
By watching this tutorial you will learn how to draw different types of shadows on a character’s body, to select the best tones and brushes, to modulate the opacity and change the shading settings according to the light source and the time of day.
In this lesson you will learn how to make the most out of a character in a scene using a common photographic setup called 2-point lighting. You will get familiar with lighting principles and concepts such as the key light, the fill light and the rim light (3-point lighting), and will see how they are used in some practical examples.
Now it’s time to watch Maria’s demo and practise with the 2-point and 3-point lighting setups.
In this tutorial Maria will show you how to use layers and blending settings (Overlay) in Procreate to draw the light on the areas that are reached and variously affected by it.
You will learn how to use complementary colours, adjust opacity, erase and refine some areas of your artwork to achieve the desired effect.
In this tutorial Maria is going to use a close-up of the character she created in her course “How to Draw a Cartoon Character” to practice some examples of dramatic lighting, i.e. a type of lighting that adds to the visual interest of a portrait or an artwork.
Using layers, blend mode types and adjustment tools in Procreate, Maria will demonstrate special lighting setups that make a character pop out or draw attention to a detail, such as light coming from the side or from below and obstruction.
7 dramatic light example pictures (JPG) included
In this final lesson you can see how Maria creates and uses gradients to alter the perception of the time of day, to set the desired mood and atmosphere of the scene and to add more colour variation to a character.
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