Say Hi to Neimy!
In this lesson, you’ll learn essential foundations you need to know when starting off: the structural core, measurements, and flow of the figure’s pose.
Think of it like the building blocks of a house. The solid brick structure needs to be in place first, before adding other elements, such as plumbing, electric wiring, paint, flooring, etc.
You’ll also gain a ton of tips about how to correctly measure proportions, draw flowing lines, grasp contrapposto, understand why the line of action is so important, use line weight to give a sense of perspective, and LOTS more!
This is a value-packed lesson, so be sure to take notes!
Okay! Moving on to the really fun stuff: drawing dynamic poses in action! All the principles you’ve learned so far will help you with this stage.
Neimy will share with you insider secrets on how to draw expressive poses full of life, which she acquired from years of study and working as an artist.
You’ll discover how a simple flour sack will help you structure your torsos in a lifelike way, ones that bend, twist, and stretch as a body normally would do.
Your figure sketches will improve tremendously by using some easy techniques that Neimy demonstrates in this lesson, such as sketching loosely, determining the center of gravity, doing 5, 10, and 20-minute sketches, and more!
Time to tackle a fascinating and important aspect of figure drawing: light and shadows. What does this have to do with figure drawing, you ask?
Light and shadows create depth, causing your forms to look 3D and realistic.
Neimy explains clearly the way shadows and highlights will appear on a form and how you can imitate those effects in your artwork.
You’ll learn about hard, soft, and lost shadows and how to play with the light and shadows to draw attention to certain aspects of your illustration.
Let’s dive into learning a fun and exciting skill: drawing clothes! At last, you’ll get some clarity on this mysterious topic.
You’ll discover practical ways to draw different types of folds, understand how fabric hangs, the visual difference in thick and thin fabrics, and lots more!
Neimy will also carefully explain what rookie mistakes to avoid when drawing clothing and why.
By the end of this lesson you’ll be able to identify different types of folds, such as Zigzag, Diaper, Drop and Pipe folds. You’ll also understand how ruffles are formed and how to draw them convincingly! Yay! Ruffle dresses FTW!
Ready to apply all the knowledge you acquired into one, awesome illustration of your own?
Neimy will guide you through her tried-and-proven process of illustrating a complete scene, from the composition phase all the way up to the full render!
You will not only learn figure drawing but also how to come up with interesting art ideas and tips for a balanced, pleasing composition that attracts the viewer, drawing them in.
Follow along with Neimy in painting a beautiful complete illustration that you can be proud of!
カリフォルニア州シリコンバレーで生まれ育った日系アメリカ人アーティスト。Ringling College of Art and Designで学び、2020年5月にイラストレーションのBFAを取得。現在ポルトガル在住。
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